Sketch for TV Guide launch event in the plaza at the News Corporation building on 6th Ave. in New York City. Design calls for a 15 foot tall magazine with 7 functioning pages showing the new TV Guide size and layout.
Actual TV Guide launch event in the plaza at the News Corporation building on 6th Ave. in New York City. The 15 foot tall magazine facsimile had 7 functioning pages showing the new TV Guide size and layout. There was also a secret door to reveal the star.
TV Guide launch event in the plaza at the News Corporation building on 6th Ave. in New York City. Photo shows the CEO and Star opening the 15 foot tall magazine to demonstrate the new TV Guide size and layout.
Booth included a 9 foot tall sculpture of the Enbrel molecule capturing the "TNF" (tumor necrosis factor) molecule, accurate to scientific detail. Other smaller molecule models are hung about the display.
Oversize bed takes up the entire stage in the ballroom. Oversized props, including 4 foot tall stuffed animal toys.